Theatre Making Movement was founded by Stephanie Graham and Sarah O’Brecht of
the Dance Me a Song Collective.
Over lunch on a contract together, we started discussing the development of new
Canadian work and observed that dance is rarely brought into the process in early
development and isn’t often used as a storytelling device. We decided to do something
about it.
Since 2021, we have hosted two symposiums and been invited to speak about our work
and findings with companies and institutions including the The Musical Stage Company,
Queens University, and Sheridan College, as well as independent consultations.
We currently offer movement dramaturgy, lectures and facilitate movement labs so that
writers and composers of new work can collaborate with a movement professional.
We have big plans for Theatre Making Movement to continue to build community while
becoming a valued and essential part of creation for every new Canadian musical.
Check out our mission, values and strategic plan at:
For more information, visit our Instagram Page.